Automotive Forum
Managed the Automotive Forum,an industry-academia interface bythe AutoCar Professional, anessential reading for theautomotive industry, inassociation with IIT Guwahati.
Earthful Foundation
Organised launching of Earthfulfoundation, which realizes thatpeople and their livelihood rely onearth and productivity of ourlandscapes. It works in areas thathelp conservation of these naturalresources like environment andbiodiversity conservation, whilesustainability of industries likeagriculture, mining, tourism,fisheries and forestry.
Peace Jam 2018
Organised PeaceJam 2018, which ‘isan expression of hope’, motivated to spread the message of peace through music, art, theatre and interactive motivational discussions as tools of expression. Its prime motive is to educate and spread awareness of human values amongsteach other and ‘unite the region, embracing the differences’, our great state Read more…
80’s Boom Boom
Successfully organized 80’sBoom Boom, an exclusive Madmax property which was a carnival celebrating 80’s music, fashion and much more